February Prayer Prompts - 28 Days of Prayer

Feb. 1 - Ask God to use this time of transition to strengthen our faith and make us more like Jesus.

Feb. 2 - Confess to God feelings of anxiety or uncertainty you have as our church begins the transition process. 

Feb. 3 - Pray that we are able to keep our momentum as a church during this transition and not grow stagnant as we search for our future pastor.
Feb. 4 - Pray for those who will be called to make up our search team, that they will seek God’s will throughout the entire search process.

Feb. 5 - Pray for our future pastor, that he will continue to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God.

Feb. 6 - Pray that we find an interim pastor that is a good fit for our church who cares about our members.

Feb. 7 - Ask God to help you trust Him as He brings the pastor we need to our church. 

Feb. 8 - Pray for the family of our future pastor as they prepare to move and take steps of obedience.

Feb. 9 - Pray that we, as a church, seek God’s guidance throughout this transition.

Feb. 10 - Pray for the deacons and their families as they minister to our church family.

Feb. 11 - Pray for growth in the choir and band.  Pray that, as we lead worship each week, our hearts will be pure and that we will honor God through our music.

Feb. 12 - Pray that our youth will continue to grow in their relationship with God through studying God’s Word and serving others. 

Feb. 13 - Pray for the PVBC Kids ministry. Pray that our kids will develop a love for Jesus and that they will choose to serve and worship Him enthusiastically! 

Feb. 14 - Pray that we will continue striving to be a loving church who makes all people feel welcome whenever they walk through our doors.

Feb. 15 - Pray that our church would be unified and make disciples.

Feb. 16 - Pray that our church will hear, know, read, study, and live out God’s Word. 

Feb. 17 - Ask God to help our church not to lose focus as we strive to glorify Him in all the ways we live our lives.

Feb. 18 - Thank God for guiding us through our time of transition and helping us keep our eyes set on Him.

Feb. 19 - Pray for our church staff and their families as they make decisions and carry out ministry. 

Feb. 20 - Ask God to help us remain faithful to His mission and our church as we trust Him to direct our steps

Feb. 21 - Pray that as a church we would develop the discipline of prayer and enjoy our conversations with the Lord

Feb. 22 - Prayer isn’t us changing God’s mind, but Him changing us. Ask God to replace our anxiety with His peace.

Feb. 23 - Praise God for all that He has done for our church and all that He will do in the coming years.

Feb. 24 - Pray for Pastor Bryan and the Blackwell family as they move to a new town, new jobs, and new schools.

Feb. 25 - Pray that our church family would continually grow in faith and love.

Feb. 26 - Pray that, as a church, we will take the gospel to people in our community who are lost.

Feb. 27 - Pray for our Sunday School teachers as they remain faithful to teaching our classes every week.

Feb. 28 - Pray that, as a church, we will continue to pursue our goals of loving God and people as we work to fulfill the Ministry Annual Plan (MAP).