"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God’s glory." 1 Corinthians 10:31
Pine Valley Baptist Church exists to bring glory to God. While God may be glorified through a variety of channels, we are convinced that He is most glorified through the fulfillment of our mission.
Then Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20
He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.”
Matthew 22:37-40
The mission of Pine Valley Baptist Church is to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22)
We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.
1 Thessalonians 2:8
When the mission is carried out it looks like believers impacting the world as God’s missionaries through transforming people in Christlikeness as we share life beginning in our homes, in the Wilmington area and beyond.
The mission statement of Pine Valley Baptist Church captures, with clarity, our reason for existence:
Love God, Love People, Make Disciples
The development of our MAP (Ministry Annual Plan) necessarily depends on our mission statement and will flow out of these three foundational areas.
Our highest calling and greatest privilege is to know and love God. We believe the following goals will enable us to more fully and effectively love our Father.
Goal: Exercise excellence for gathered worship
Goal: Engage the Bible
Goal: Deepen prayer focus
Goal: Mature through spiritual disciplines
God clearly desires for us to love people. We believe the following goals will help us grow in this area.
Goal: Establish and engage local service partners
Goal: Support and deepen relationships with long term mission partners
Current mission partners include:
Goal: Mature Sunday School/small group effectiveness
Goal: Minister effectively in the area of mental health
Goal: Increase evangelistic zeal and preparedness
Goal: Conduct relevant research on our community to identify needs and opportunities
The foundational mandate of our Great Commission is to make disciples. We believe the following goals will help us achieve this task.
Goal: Develop holistic family ministry
Goal: Provide relational contexts for the purpose of disciple making
January 2023
1/7 – Serve Saturday, Life Line 9am-12pm
1/8 – Volunteer Vision Casting Sunday
1/14 – Deacon Family Meal
1/15 – Sanctity of Life Service - to 2/26
1/20-22 – Youth Ski Trip
1/22 – Grief Share
TBD - Preschool Activity
2/4 – Serve Saturday
2/12 – Valentine Banquet (Sunday)
2/18 – Discover Pine Valley Class (Saturday, 10-noon)
2/19 – Gospel & Baptism Class (Kids)
2/26 – Bible Conference
TBD - K-2nd Grade Activity
3/4 – Serve Saturday, Senior Center
3/5 – Communion
3/10-11 – Family Mission Trip
3/26 – Parent Commissioning
3/26 – Quarterly Business Meeting
Kids Lunch Event after church, date TBD
April – Annie Armstrong Offering/BCH Food Round Up
4/1 – Serve Saturday
4/7 – Good Friday Service (Communion)
4/8 – Egg Hunt/Easter Celebration
4/9 – Sunrise Service (Battleship), Easter Sunday
4/23 – Estate Planning Event
May – Life Line Pregnancy Center Baby Bottle Collection
5/6 – Serve Saturday
5/17 – MDWK End of Year Celebration
5/20 – Mental Health Conference
5/21 & 28 - Discover Pine Valley (2 Sunday Sessions, 9:15-10:15)
5/28 – Memorial Day Picnic
5/31 – 5th Grade Event
6/11 – Graduate Recognition Sunday, Promotion Sunday
6/11 – Protection of Minors Training (5:00pm)
6/11 – Quarterly Business Meeting (6:30pm)
6/25-29 – Vacation Bible School (Sunday-Thursday evenings)
Kids Lunch Event after church, date TBD
Evangelism Training (Date TBD)
Youth Summer Camp
Summer Wed. Night Activities
TBD - 3rd-5th Grade Activity
8/6 – Grief Share
8/12 - Discover Pine Valley Class (Saturday, 10-noon)
Mid-August – Moldova Trip
Backpack Blessing (Sunday before school starts)
Back to School Event
Pray for Me Campaign
TBD - Kindergarten Milestone Event
9/2 – Serve Saturday
9/3 – Labor Day Picnic
9/6 – MDWK Kick-off Event
9/24 – Quarterly Business Meeting
Gospel and Baptism Class (Kids)
D-Now (Youth Camp)
TBD - Preschool activity
October – Baptist Children’s Home Offering Month
BCH Serve Saturday (Date TBD)
BCH Sunday Morning Service (Date TBD)
10/1 & 8 - Discover PV Class (2 Sunday Sessions, 9:15-10:15)
10/15 - Parent Commissioning
10/27 – Trunk or Treat
Kids Lunch Event after church, date TBD
November – Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Drive, Lottie Moon
Serve Saturday – LCT Set Up
11/19 – Grief Share Event
11/19 – 2024 MAP Discussion/Budget Meeting
State Convention
Family Conference
TBD - Elementary Activity
December – Lottie Moon Offering
12/3 - MAP/Budget Vote
12/9-11 – Living Christmas Tree Performances
Christmas Caroling (Families)
12/24 – Christmas Eve Service (Communion)
"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God’s glory." 1 Corinthians 10:31
Pine Valley Baptist Church exists to bring glory to God. While God may be glorified through a variety of channels, we are convinced that He is most glorified through the fulfillment of our mission.
Then Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20
He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.”
Matthew 22:37-40
The mission of Pine Valley Baptist Church is to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22)
We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.
1 Thessalonians 2:8
When the mission is carried out it looks like believers impacting the world as God’s missionaries through transforming people in Christlikeness as we share life beginning in our homes, in the Wilmington area and beyond.
The mission statement of Pine Valley Baptist Church captures, with clarity, our reason for existence:
Love God, Love People, Make Disciples
The development of our MAP (Ministry Annual Plan) necessarily depends on our mission statement and will flow out of these three foundational areas.
Our highest calling and greatest privilege is to know and love God. We believe the following goals will enable us to more fully and effectively love our Father.
Goal: Exercise excellence for gathered worship
- Evaluate the physical environment of our gatherings for issues of distraction, safety, and even cosmetics.
- Evaluate the overall campus environment for issues of distraction, safety, cosmetics, and proper flow.
- Evaluate the overall worship service in light of order, clarity, member utilization, transitions (Kidzone, choir, etc.), adequate preparation, and God centeredness.
- Provide year long sermon series information in order to harmonize music selections and worship service activities when possible.
- Provide ongoing training and encouragement for our Connect and Usher Teams as frontline connectors with members and guests (including issues related to safety)
- Physical projects for this year include: (already included in proposed budget)
- Parking lot sealing and beautification
- Painting of the children’s wing
- Blind replacements
Goal: Engage the Bible
- Provide and promote a church wide Bible reading plan, including print and digital options.
- Provide a minimum of 2 conferences/studies on Bible study methods per year.
- Explore the possibility of a church app that can improve Bible engagement through sermons, resource recommendations, and life group involvement.
- Provide digital resources through our website, Facebook, and newsletters.
- Provide hard copy resources primarily through our church library.
- Evaluate and train leaders for life group teaching.
- Elevate focus on equipping parents as Bible teachers at home.
Goal: Deepen prayer focus
- Regularly gather, equip, encourage, and promote the Prayer Team.
- Schedule prayer walk and prayer drive events.
- Conduct services that focus solely on prayer.
- Develop a prayer program that connects people within the congregation such as “pray for me partners”.
- Transport prayer groups outward into the community to pray and engage (nursing homes, etc.).
- Involve laymen in the worship service for the purpose of prayer.
- Senior leadership will develop a prayer relationship with staff members.
Goal: Mature through spiritual disciplines
- Include spiritual discipline training with life group leader training.
- Conduct a conference or book study on spiritual disciplines.
- Regularly keep spiritual disciplines before the congregation through social media and newsletter outlets.
- Equip the church library with resources on spiritual disciplines.
- Create a resource page for the church website
God clearly desires for us to love people. We believe the following goals will help us grow in this area.
Goal: Establish and engage local service partners
- Create relationships with local entities for the purpose of service.
- Calendar one day per month, perhaps a Saturday when possible, to serve one of our partners. Service partnerships will include both outward and inward relationships.
- Explore possible partnerships with the following outward entities:
- New Hanover county senior resource center
- Local public schools
- Local nursing facilities
- Vigilant Hope
- Calendar service days with the following inward ministries:
- Senior adult needs
- Prayer Team (prayer walk, etc.)
- Half day preschool
- Properties Team
Goal: Support and deepen relationships with long term mission partners
- Continue current financial partnerships with ministry partners while striving to increase our commitment.
- Provide hands-on opportunities for engagement when possible.
- Conduct yearly assessment of the effectiveness of each partner.
Current mission partners include:
- Filadelfia Baptist Church in Anenii Noi, Moldova
- Baptist Children’s Home of NC
- Lifeline Pregnancy Center
- Baptist State Convention of North Carolina
- Southern Baptist Convention
- Cape Fear Network of Baptist Churches
- The Seaman Center
- The Harrelson Center
- Internal benevolence
Goal: Mature Sunday School/small group effectiveness
- Switch labeling from “Sunday School” to “life groups” in order to better convey the purpose of each unit.
- Birth a minimum of 2 new units.
- Research and recommend available digital resources for receptive groups.
- Schedule and carry out appropriate training for the purpose of equipping, encouragement, and feedback (minimum of 3).
- Explore the possibility of birthing life groups that meet outside of normally scheduled worship time.
Goal: Minister effectively in the area of mental health
- Conduct a mental health conference during the month of May (mental health awareness month).
- Create a support group for mental health that meets on a regular basis.
- Provide mental health resources such as print, media, and partner resources.
- Grow awareness and application of biblical principles in the area of mental health. For example, make sermon applications in the area of mental health where appropriate.
Goal: Increase evangelistic zeal and preparedness
- Conduct 2 training events per year in the area of evangelism.
- Structure at least one training event per year around “The Story” evangelism training material.
- Model/celebrate collectively successful evangelistic endeavors among the Church body. This could be carried out through the medium of video or live testimony.
Goal: Conduct relevant research on our community to identify needs and opportunities
- Contact the Baptist State Convention of NC for available resources. (missioninsite, etc.)
- Contact area churches to see what has been helpful for them.
- Intentionally ask members to speak into this need (ie, ask lifegroup teachers to have a time of discussion on needs they see in their respective communities and report results)
The foundational mandate of our Great Commission is to make disciples. We believe the following goals will help us achieve this task.
Goal: Develop holistic family ministry
- Evaluate and adjust gathered services in light of time, overall schedule harmony among ministries, and full generational opportunities.
- Develop a plan to involve and connect senior adults with younger generations.
- Conduct a yearly marriage conference/retreat that focuses on marriage strengthening and disciple making in the home.
- Conduct a yearly parenting conference to strengthen parenting skills with a Christian worldview.
- Strategize and plan for growth into the ministry areas of college and singles.
- Strengthen and develop overall Men’s Ministry
Goal: Provide relational contexts for the purpose of disciple making
- Evaluate and adjust our process for connecting with guests (connect cards and follow up)
- Train lifegroup leaders to incorporate an outward focus layer to group ministry.
- Train leaders to establish micro groups using the “10 distinctives of a disciple” material.
- Create appropriate opportunities for those in various stages of spiritual growth and development.
- Dead, Infant, Child, Young Adult, Parent, Grandparent
January 2023
1/7 – Serve Saturday, Life Line 9am-12pm
1/8 – Volunteer Vision Casting Sunday
1/14 – Deacon Family Meal
1/15 – Sanctity of Life Service - to 2/26
1/20-22 – Youth Ski Trip
1/22 – Grief Share
TBD - Preschool Activity
2/4 – Serve Saturday
2/12 – Valentine Banquet (Sunday)
2/18 – Discover Pine Valley Class (Saturday, 10-noon)
2/19 – Gospel & Baptism Class (Kids)
2/26 – Bible Conference
TBD - K-2nd Grade Activity
3/4 – Serve Saturday, Senior Center
3/5 – Communion
3/10-11 – Family Mission Trip
3/26 – Parent Commissioning
3/26 – Quarterly Business Meeting
Kids Lunch Event after church, date TBD
April – Annie Armstrong Offering/BCH Food Round Up
4/1 – Serve Saturday
4/7 – Good Friday Service (Communion)
4/8 – Egg Hunt/Easter Celebration
4/9 – Sunrise Service (Battleship), Easter Sunday
4/23 – Estate Planning Event
May – Life Line Pregnancy Center Baby Bottle Collection
5/6 – Serve Saturday
5/17 – MDWK End of Year Celebration
5/20 – Mental Health Conference
5/21 & 28 - Discover Pine Valley (2 Sunday Sessions, 9:15-10:15)
5/28 – Memorial Day Picnic
5/31 – 5th Grade Event
6/11 – Graduate Recognition Sunday, Promotion Sunday
6/11 – Protection of Minors Training (5:00pm)
6/11 – Quarterly Business Meeting (6:30pm)
6/25-29 – Vacation Bible School (Sunday-Thursday evenings)
Kids Lunch Event after church, date TBD
Evangelism Training (Date TBD)
Youth Summer Camp
Summer Wed. Night Activities
TBD - 3rd-5th Grade Activity
8/6 – Grief Share
8/12 - Discover Pine Valley Class (Saturday, 10-noon)
Mid-August – Moldova Trip
Backpack Blessing (Sunday before school starts)
Back to School Event
Pray for Me Campaign
TBD - Kindergarten Milestone Event
9/2 – Serve Saturday
9/3 – Labor Day Picnic
9/6 – MDWK Kick-off Event
9/24 – Quarterly Business Meeting
Gospel and Baptism Class (Kids)
D-Now (Youth Camp)
TBD - Preschool activity
October – Baptist Children’s Home Offering Month
BCH Serve Saturday (Date TBD)
BCH Sunday Morning Service (Date TBD)
10/1 & 8 - Discover PV Class (2 Sunday Sessions, 9:15-10:15)
10/15 - Parent Commissioning
10/27 – Trunk or Treat
Kids Lunch Event after church, date TBD
November – Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Drive, Lottie Moon
Serve Saturday – LCT Set Up
11/19 – Grief Share Event
11/19 – 2024 MAP Discussion/Budget Meeting
State Convention
Family Conference
TBD - Elementary Activity
December – Lottie Moon Offering
12/3 - MAP/Budget Vote
12/9-11 – Living Christmas Tree Performances
Christmas Caroling (Families)
12/24 – Christmas Eve Service (Communion)